As an anonymous 17th-century man noted, “Men and horses would too often lose their lives on this mountain, if there was not for this shelter“. Here, when blizzards raged, as was the case in all alpine hospices, a bell was rung “to guide lost travellers and to call them to a pitiful shelter during the storm.“
In addition to a makeshift bed, travellers could also find a hot meal and a glass of wine.
Our family has been running this ancient place since 1987, grateful to share memories and moments of serene conviviality to be enjoyed in a unique and timeless experience. We try to promote an ecology of feelings.
The special position of the Spluga Valley has favoured the passage of man since prehistoric times: the melting ice and natural pathways facilitated passage over the Alpine pass from the very beginning.
Over the centuries, the Spluga Pass became one of the most fortunate routes in the Alps, determined by commercial and economic interests and also by its strategic-military importance. The routes of Roman antiquity and the Middle Ages routes already passed through Spluga, the Upper Rhine and Chur to reach the important Danube towns. This is also where the famous Lindau bus, which has been running from Lake Constance to Milan since 1823, used to stop.
Its international value grew over the centuries, the track has undergone changes and the small village of Montespluga has established itself as a central and strategic place for passers-by.
With the construction of the Gotthard Tunnel, the Spluga Pass has lost its strategic importance in the framework of international economic relations to become an access road linked to the achievement of places and tourist destinations.
Albergo Ristorante Vittoria – Frazione Montespluga, Piazza della Chiesa 12 Madesimo (SO) 23024 | P.IVA: 00579640145 – CIN: IT014035A13SPPZ6W3
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Albergo Vittoria – Madesimo (SO) piazza della chiesa 12 cap 23024 frazione Montespluga | P.IVA 00579640145