The Via Spluga is a hiking-cultural trail in the central Alps that for centuries has linked the two towns of Thusis (Switzerland) and Chiavenna (Italy), and the Graubünden, Rhaeto-Romanic, Walser and Lombard peoples.

Most of the ViaSpluga follows mule tracks, and the route not only helps encounters with history, but also allows contact with a unique mountain landscape and local people.
The Via Spluga has a total length of 65 km: it starts in Thusis (720 m), crosses the famous Via Mala gorge to Splügen (1457 m), climbs to 2115 m Spluga Pass (the highest point of the route), and then descends along the entire Spluga Valley to 333 m Chiavenna.

Montepluga is located at a strategic point along this route that traces two millennia of transits: it represents the “welcome village” for those crossing the border, arriving from Swiss territory.
Our Ca’ de la Montagna, thanks also to a cultural tourism project, offers refuge to wayfarers in transit along the historic route.
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